
This document is to be understood as a supplement to our articles of association. Here we examine again our mission statement, the members, organs, departments and projects.

OMA Foundation will be founded in 2020 with the purpose of supporting the local communities with open source apps. The main goal of the association is to create publicity for the topic Open Source. Our strategic goals and values are formulated in detail in the mission statement and are aligned with the goals of the Open Source Initiative. The mission statement is the center of the association and ensures that every member, organ, department and project contributes to the broad vision of the association.

Mission statement

Our vision is to equip the people with free open source tools and decentralized infrastructure to bring control about data and revenue streams from global authorities back to the people.


For our members ...we want to offer an opportunity to be part of a purpose-driven and non-profit project with a broad vision for the future of mankind. We establish decentralized and self-sustained teams all over the globe. Our members have a political influence and can contribute to various departments according to their skills and desires.

For local authorities ...we want to bring the power back to local authorities instead of a few global players. We deeply believe that this will lead to a way more sustainable way of living.

For the world ...we want to increase awareness for open source solutions and make adoption of these solutions as easy as possible. We want to draw a different way of empowering people with tools.


We want to make knowledge of Open Source Apps accessible to the general public in simple language. We would like to provide current information about news, progress, projects and events. We would like to promote the application of #OMA in practice.


We align our projects strategically with our vision and goals. With our values we want to create a framework for our moral compass. Our values are privacy, transparency, authenticity, diversity, courage, autonomy and social and ecological responsibility.


There are two organs at #OMA: the board and the general assembly. The board meets regularly every two weeks and the general meeting once a year.


The board is represented by five to nine active members, who are responsible for at least one of the following units: chair, vice chair, finance, vice finance, community, events, editing, design and development. The office of Chair, Vice Chair, Finance and Vice Finance must be filled by different active members. However, these, as well as the other board members, may hold a total of two positions. The board meets every two weeks in a remote meeting and processes inquiries and requests from members and the community.


The general assembly consists of all members of the association. Each member has one vote here and decides on changes to the statutes and important concerns of the association. The general meeting meets once a year and constitutes the executive board there.


To become a member you have to be of legal age, close to our goals and to apply for membership. Each member has one vote in the general assembly. We differentiate between four types of membership:

Active members participate in the association's work and belong to at least one department.

Passive members only pay a membership fee annually, but do not actively participate in association work and do not belong to any department.

Honorary members can be appointed by the general assembly if members have rendered outstanding service to the association.


Departments are different areas of activity of the association. Our lectures are chair, finance, marketing, design, development, events and community. Each unit has one - chair and finance two - representatives on the board. This means that there are up to nine board members in seven lectures. Each department has different tasks and areas of responsibility. In the design department there are, for example, graphics, UI / UX, audio and film. As an active member, you can freely choose which units you want to participate in and apply once a year for the position of head of unit. The head of unit, i.e. member of the board, also has strategic and organizational responsibility.


The role of the chairperson primarily consists of communication, moderation and organization. The main responsibility of the chairman is to oversee, manage and represent the entire association internally and externally. It represents the interests of the entire association and represents the association legally vis-à-vis third parties.


Together with the Chair, the Office of Finance has the responsibility to create stable organizational structures. The task is to put the association legally, financially and organizationally on a sustainable foundation. Specific tasks are the administration of the cash registers and accounts, accounting, finance and controlling.


The Community unit has two central tasks: Increasing the reach of the association with regard to the growth of our members, community and followers. Specific tasks here are moderating social media, Discord and the Community Forum, as well as establishing contacts and communication.


The design department supports the association on two levels. Firstly, in the design of processes, structures and the corporate identity of the association. On the other hand, in the creative implementation of points of contact, such as the website, business cards or the magazine. There are the following areas: graphics, UI / UX, film and audio.


The development unit has three main tasks. First, the development and maintenance of applications such as the website or useful tools. Second, ensuring stable IT structures for the club. And thirdly, the training and further education of the community and beyond.


The marketing team takes care of journalistic work such as conducting interviews or doing research. The marketing team also writes, corrects and translates articles and post on serveral social media channels.


The Events department takes care of the planning and execution of workshops and events. We usually support and help with workshops, keynotes or information stands, with the organization, or simply as a network.