Everything user-related is stored in the user's browser. Products need to be stored on a device that is 24/7 connected to the internet.
An Encrypted Data Vault
We store a significant amount of sensitive data online, such as personally identifying information (PII), trade secrets and customer information.
Differences between Solid and IPFS
- File and graph store
- Spec requires no encyption
- Extended file metadata is supported
- Read/write protocol: REST (LDP)
- Auth: WebID-OIDC
- Data locality: Server
- Replication: None
- Access Control: [Web Access Control (WAC)] (
- Content-addressable distributed file store
- Spec requires no encyption
- Extended file metadata is not supported
- Read/write protocol: cli/HTTP
- Data locality: Public nodes
- Replication: Peer to peer
- Access Control: None